

报告题目:The Future of Optimization in Electromagnetics

人:Pro. Randy L. Haupt

(Colorado School of Mines)




Not many years ago, engineers and scientists were satisfied with finding a solution. Computers and other technology advances encouraged us to build more complex systems and models for those systems. The large number of design variables associated with system design confounded traditional approaches to optimizing a system or finding the best design. Derivative based optimization approaches work best for small, linear systems. Large, nonlinear systems motivated the more recent development of guided random guessing algorithms that are modeled after natural processes. This talk starts with the foundations of analytical optimization and moves on to the elegant derivative based algorithms of the early computer age before ending with the guided random search strategies of today. The talk ends with a status of optimization approaches for electromagnetics and where the future lies.



Randy L. Haupt received the BSEE from the USAF Academy (1978), the MS in Engineering Management from Western New England College (1982), the MSEE from Northeastern University (1983), and the PhD in EE from The University of Michigan (1987). He is Professor EECS at the Colorado School of Mines. Prior to that, he was an RF Staff Consultant at Ball Aerospace & Technologies, Corp., Senior Scientist and Department Head at the Applied Research Laboratory of Penn State, Professor and Department Head of ECE at Utah State, Professor and Chair of EE at the University of Nevada Reno, and Professor of EE at the USAF Academy. He was a project engineer for the OTH-B radar and a research antenna engineer for Rome Air Development Center early in his career. He is co-author of the books Practical Genetic Algorithms, 2 ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2004, Genetic Algorithms in Electromagnetics, John Wiley & Sons, 2007, and Introduction to Adaptive Antennas, SciTech, 2010, as well as author of Antenna Arrays a Computation Approach, John Wiley & Sons, 2010. Dr. Haupt is a Fellow of the IEEE, the Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES), and the Electromagnetics Academy.

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