

报告题目:Parallel DGTD Method and Engineering Applications

人:Pro.Wenhua Yu

(Pennsylvania State University)




The DGTD method is a rapidly emerging time domain technique in CEM, which combines the advantages of FEM and finite volume method (FVM). Similar to the FEM method, DGTD employs a Galerkin test to enforce a weak form of Maxwell’s equations on each element. In contrast, DGTD allows its solution to be fully discontinuous across the interfaces between adjacent boundaries of elements, which do not require costly global matrix inversions, but keep the FEM convergence properties.

In this presentation, we first review the DGTD concepts and basic formulations. And then we focus on the parallelization techniques based on the MPI library and hardware acceleration techniques on the NVIDIA GPGPU platform for the DGTD method. The numerical experiments have demonstrated that the parallel efficiency of the DGTD method is quite good due to its natural parallel characteristic. The DGTD method on the GPU platform offers a real good performance compared to the CPU platform. Through the illustrative examples and benchmarks, the readers can fully understand the DGTD method including boundary condition and mesh generation, implementation and coding techniques as well. Several practical examples including aircraft, almond and helix antenna are employed to validate the parallel DGTD method.


新葡京澳门Wenhua Yu is the founder and president of 2COMU, Inc. He was a postdoc, research associate and visiting professor of Electromagnetic Communication Laboratory of the Pennsylvania State University from 1996 to 2010. He is a visiting professor of Harbin Engineering University and Jiangsu Normal University. He has worked on the topics related to FDTD methods, software development techniques, parallel processing techniques, and engineering applications for many years, and has published more than 170 technical papers and 6 books on the parallel FDTD methods and related areas. He is the general co-chair of several international conferences on the topics of computational electromagnetics, antennas and microwave circuits. He is the member of technical committee of several international journals. He is a senior member of IEEE and a primary developer of the GEMS software package.

上一篇:【学术报告】The Future of Optimization in Electromagnetics

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