

报告题目:Structural (LEM) and Textural (LDP) Techniques and Their Applications to Single Model Object Recognition

报 告 人:Yongsheng Gao 教授(澳大利亚格里菲斯大学)




In this talk, Professor Gao will present their research work on object recognition that are centred at the core concepts of LEM and LDP: (1) intermediate- and high-level structural object representation and recognition, which is proven to be more reliable in face recognition, complex image classification using sketches, and noisy logo recognition. (2) higher-order texture pattern analysis, which has been successfully used for addressing face recognition problem and for solving other computer vision problems, such as automatic gender classification from facial textures, complex background modelling for intelligent video surveillance, rotation-invariant texture classification for insects.


新葡京澳门Professor Yongsheng Gao is the founding director of Computer Vision and Image Processing Lab and the research leader of the Environmental Informatics flagship program at Griffith University. He served as the project leader of Biosecurity Group, National ICT Australia (Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence) from 2009 to 2011. As a Chief Investigator, he has been working on projects in Australia, Germany, Singapore, and China in the area of computer vision, pattern recognition, biomedical engineering and system integration. He was also employed as a consultant by Panasonic Singapore Laboratories Pte Ltd working on the face recognition standard in MPEG-7. His research has appeared in major newspapers in Australia and Singapore, including The Australian; The Courier Mail; The Sydney Morning Herald and The Straits Times (Singapore).

